10 best games like Dordle

Crossword Scramble
Crossword Scrambles lets you enjoy a fun word puzzle game. Finish the crossword on the screen with appropriate words. To make words just drag and drop letters. Every right word finishes the crossword and counts extra points. Turn around the board filling it with the right letters. Unlock fresh levels!
How to Play Crossword Scramble.
Each level presents a challenge with a fresh group of words. The game will generate random letters in a circle. Choose and link the letters to generate legitimate words. The system will record all the finished, valid words and fill in the crossword on the screen. The player gains more points the more correct letters they produce. The point value rises with the increasing length of the word. Finish the crossword using your great vocabulary!
Press and connect the letters to construct a word, then release them to transmit.
Become a word master by testing your wits and vocabulary with games like Master Word and Word Mine. Have fun!