10 best games like Dordle
UNLOCOdle is a word-guessing game similar to the popular "Wordle" game, but it uses UNLOCODEs—a coding system used to indicate locations such as ports, airports, and road terminals.
How to play
The goal of UNLOCOdle is to guess a given UNLOCODE in a restricted number of attempts. UNLOCODEs are codes that indicate numerous sites worldwide, such as airports, ports, and road terminals. Each UNLOCODE is related to certain qualities that indicate the presence of an airport, port, or road terminal.
Your goal is to predict the UNLOCODE that meets all three requirements: an airport, a port, and a road terminal. This set of characteristics establishes the conditions for the correct UNLOCODE solution, restricting the options. The color of the tiles will change after each guess, reflecting how close your guess is to the correct UNLOCODE.
Games Related
Looking for something new but still similar to UNLOCOdle? Try Unlockle out! Despite having its own unlock model, it is a logic game that draws inspiration from Wordle. In Unlockle, you must use your logical thinking skills to uncover the hidden pattern. You'll need to figure out the correct sequence of entries, much like entering a passcode on a phone. With only six tries available, every move counts.