10 best games like Dordle
In the exciting game Holywoodle you have to find out the relationship between two actors. You'll start with two actors, like in Kevin Bacon's Six Degrees, and you'll have to guess as few times as possible which movie they'll both be in. For each correct answer, you lose one move and for each wrong answer, you lose three. Play Hollywoodle to see what life in Hollywood would be like!
how to play
In this free online game, players are offered two new actors to connect with each day from a movie they both star in or a co-star where they both starred in the same scene. As few moves as possible must be used to bind the two agents. You can use the hint system to get movies or actors if you get stuck, but doing so will leave you guessing more on the whole. If you guess wrong, the total will increase to three.
Are you confident that you can finish it in one? If you can't think of any, try to think of a movie where the first actor plays the same role as the second actor in another movie. To connect two things and complete the sequence, you need to guess a movie first, then the actor, and then a movie.