10 best games like Dordle

Globle Game
Glolbe is a popular daily game that has to do with geography. After the Worldle game, this is another geography-based Wordle game. Globle is great for people who like geography. The players have to guess the country of the day with the fewest number of guesses possible. You can take as many guesses as you want, and instead of an outline, a globe is used to figure out the right answer.
What's Globle?
Globle is different from other games in that there is no set number of guesses. If you try to guess more, your score will go down. When you type the name of a country into the input field and get it right, the four colors on the globe will change. As you get closer to the strange country of the day, the color gets brighter. As you move away, the color gets cooler. With this function, players can base their next guess on the color of their last guess. Without this feature, it would be much harder to guess the country of the day.
Globe Advice
If you follow these tips, Globle will be easy for you to play. It will be much easier to find the country and name of the country that interests you.
You can make the most of the colors. Watch how the color of the country changes as you guess. As you get closer to the answer, the country turns red. Make sure to guess the next country if it is tan.
You can use Google Earth and Maps. Since you're just trying to learn and not everyone knows every country in the world, use a globle or a program like Google Earth to find the countries near you.
Even people who don't like geography like globle games because they are so hard. Get out your world atlases and see how much you know about the 197 countries.