10 best games like Dordle

F1 Wordle
Try to guess the F1 Wordle driver in ten tries. After each guess, the color of the cells will change to show how close your guess is to the F1 driver. You can write any string of characters for each guess.
How does f1-wordle work?
The goal of the game is to find out who the F1 driver hiding in the picture is. To start, type a word in the first line that has the number of letters given.
Press the Enter key on the fake keyboard after you type the word. Note the color of the letters that draw attention.
If the number in the secret phone number is not colored and stays blank, it is not that number. If the number is yellow, it is in the hidden word, but in a different box. If a number is marked in green, that means it is part of the secret word in this box.
Please keep in mind that letters may appear more than once in a word. For example, if a number is highlighted in yellow or green, it may appear once or more than once in the word.
Now, type the following on the second line and press Enter. When doing this, think about what you learned about the letters and where they were in the first round.
Keep typing the words in the next lines until you find the hidden F1 driver. When you're done, tell your friends about the game and how it went. The most important rule is that you can only play once a day. Everyone's phone number is the same.